
If account is not specified, returns the server's total available balance. If account is specified (DEPRECATED), returns the balance in the account. Note that the account "" is not the same as leaving the parameter out. The server total may be different to the balance in the default "" account.


  1. "account" (string, optional) DEPRECATED. The account string may be given as a specific account name to find the balance associated with wallet keys in a named account, or as the empty string ("") to find the balance associated with wallet keys not in any named account, or as "*" to find the balance associated with all wallet keys regardless of account. When this option is specified, it calculates the balance in a different way than when it is not specified, and which can count spends twice when there are conflicting pending transactions (such as those created by the bumpfee command), temporarily resulting in low or even negative balances. In general, account balance calculation is not considered reliable and has resulted in confusing outcomes, so it is recommended to avoid passing this argument.

  2. minconf (numeric, optional, default=1) Only include transactions confirmed at least this many times.

  3. include_watchonly (bool, optional, default=false) Also include balance in watch-only addresses (see 'importaddress')


	Request Body:
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "method": "getbalance",
  "params": ["*", 6],
  "id": 1

	Response Body:
   "jsonrpc": "2.0",
   "id": 1,
   "result": 50507.31262822

Last updated